Kanini's roll-out began this Independence Day weekend at Anbu Karangal and PV Rao Orphanage & School. After Ayyanar and his team gave a short introduction to computers, the 15 students of class 10 were allowed to work on the computers. All of them were 'touching' a computer for the first time in their life!
The Kanini Syllabus starts of with MS Paint, which allows the kids to learn mouse handling and also have some fun at the same time. The kids started working with a bit of help from the volunteers. Within 30 seconds one kid had drawn an India Map (more or less!) I don't know how many of you could have managed stuff like this within your first few minutes on a comp... I'm sure i would've struggled quite a bit.
As they gave finishing touches to their first drawings on a PC all of us were pleasantly surprised...
It left me thoughtful, What would've these children become with a normal family, childhood, education & facilities like a computer?
Another reminder that Children are a precious resource, they lack opportunity, not capability! Another wake up call for us as BHUMIans to work faster and better to bring more and more under-privileged children into our supplementary education programmes. The future is bright!
Can u spot the Happy faces of the volunteers among the children? :)
Cross Posted from the BHUMI, Chennai Blog